Services for Children & Families
Rise and Shine - Stay and Play
School is open from 8.00 am for families requiring before school care. Rise and Shine Club provides a quiet, calm start to the day for a small number of children. Places should be booked in advance. A small charge is made for this facility.
Our Stay and Play facility provides childcare until 4.30 pm. This is booked in the same way as Rise and Shine. Children are offered a variety of activities and a light snack.
Monday - Games Night
Tuesday - Art Club
Wednesday - Outside Games
Thursday - 'Mixed Bag' - Mrs Kirkby will choose from activities such as cooking, arts and crafts, board games, outside games...
Friday - Film Club
Please fill out and return the registration form linked below via email to
Once your child is registered you can book and pay for session via the 'payments' section of your ParentMail account.
Wrap around care registration form
Wrap Around Care Information for parents
If you should require childcare for hours we are unable to provide
you can find more help at:
This term, we are offering one afterschool club - Running club for children in KS1 and KS2. We are very lucky to have a parent volunteer running this club along with members of staff. Letters will be sent out in the first week of term for children to sign up to the clubs.
We also have a girl's football club which is run on a Monday lunchtime for girls from year 1 upwards.
School Lunches and Hot Meals
Children can bring in their own packed lunch - we do ask that no nuts are included in any lunchboxes as we have children with nut allergies in school.
We ask that parents are particularly vigilant with pre-wrapped foods and shop bought birthday cakes, cookies, cup-cakes etc. Please check the ingredients before sending these to school.
Hot meals are prepared on site and served in the school hall, offering a range of daily choices including vegetarian.
Meals can be ordered via ParentMail - please contact Mrs Southam if you have any questions.
If your child has any food allergies, please read the attached 'Allergen and Medical Diet policy'
Allergen and Medical Diet Policy
Chacombe menu, autumn/winter term - week 1
Chacombe menu, autumn/winter term - week 2Chacombe menu, autumn/winter term - week 3
Parent Mail
ParentMail is an email and SMS Texting system which provides a convenient way to get messages to you about, for example, school closures due to snow, cancellation of clubs and meeting reminders.
Uniform Sales
School uniform can be ordered online and by post, with delivery to school or to home.
From September, 2022, the PTFA will be organising our 'pre-loved' uniform sales and will be welcoming any donations of school uniform to add to our stock.
Please take a look at our Uniform policy for more information.
Chacombe School Uniform Policy