​Chacombe CEVA Primary Academy

  • evolve trust

P.E. Curriculum

Physical Education and swimming

What do we want to achieve for our children in PE?
At Chacombe Primary Academy, we aim to encourage and inspire the children to enjoy, succeed and where possible, to excel in sport and all physically challenging activities, developing both personal health and fitness.  We will provide opportunities to compete and succeed in sport and other physical activities, embedding our school values, such as perseverance, fairness and respect. Combined with a growing belief in themselves, we aim to develop life skills such as communicating, collaborating and competing in the hope that our PE curriculum will develop an enjoyment of physical activity, that will impact on their lives, resulting in a healthy lifestyle as they grow older.

How will we achieve this? 
Children are provided with two PE sessions a week throughout the school. One of these sessions focuses on  attacking and defending team games and the skills needed to play the games. As the children progress through KS2, there is more of an emphasis on the rules of the games too and becoming a 'teamplayer' and a good sportsman. The other PE lesson is either gymnastics or dance. We encourage our older children to take on the responsibility of being a’ sportsleader’, in order to support and engage the youngest of our school community during play and lunchtimes in purposeful physical activity.  

By providing access to a variety of sports both through sports clubs and PE lessons, children are prepared for taking part in intra-school and inter-school competitions. Chenderit School Sports Partnership provide these competitive opportunities and our PE curriculum and clubs are guided by these, so that the children can achieve their best at these tournaments.
How will this support the children now and in the future?
We always have a positive response from the children, a willingness and enthusiasm to represent their school at these inter school competitions: cross country, football, tag rugby, sports hall athletics, hockey, basketball, tennis and netball. There is a determination to win, perform at their best and show a true spirit of the game.
Children increase stamina and fitness levels and acquire the skills they need to achieve sporting success both individually and when working with others. They know the rules of the most common sports and are prepared for secondary school, having experienced friendly and competitive tournaments both intra and inter schools. This knowledge and experience will later support them, when choosing a sport that is right for them in the future.

​Swimming and water safety

'All schools must provide swimming instruction either in KS1 or KS2. In particular, pupils should be taught to swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres. They should be able to use a range of strokes effectively and perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations.' At Chacombe School we use Brackley Leisure Centre for our swimming lessons. Children are grouped according to their ability and not only are our pupils taught swimming skills, they are also delivered key messages and knowledge around water safety and  life saving techniques. Our pupils receive swimming lessons during the whole of KS2.