​Chacombe CEVA Primary Academy

  • evolve trust

Mental Health

At Chacombe Primary Academy we acknowledge that mental health and well-being is of high importance and significant and intrinsic to our lives.

We believe having a mentally healthy community is not about being happy all the time but about working all together through the challenges and sharing the celebrations, feeling supported, heard, accepted, valued and empowered. We believe that fostering the  skills of  empathy within our community helps or members of our Chacombe community feel valued and listened to.


What mental health and well-being looks like for our community.

  • The Chacombe CE VA Primary Academy community is responsive and flexible to everybody’s needs.
  • We feel safe and are able to express how we feel without feeling judged. We acknowledge that a ‘voice’ comes in many forms, not just spoken and we seek to understand each other.
  • We are able to seek help and receive and use strategies when feeling and dealing with difficult emotions.
  • We know there is a spectrum of emotions and mental health, and that this can change at different times and situations.
  • We acknowledge that mental health and wellbeing is a shared experience: Sometimes we are the ones who need shelter and at other times we are the ones holding the umbrella.
  • not just spoken and we seek to understand each other.
  • We are able to seek help and receive and use strategies when feeling and dealing with difficult emotions.
  • We know there is a spectrum of emotions and mental health, and that this can change at different times and situations.
  • We acknowledge that mental health and wellbeing is a shared experience: Sometimes we are the ones who need shelter and at other times we are the ones holding the umbrella.
  • not just spoken and we seek to understand each other.
  • We are able to seek help and receive and use strategies when feeling and dealing with difficult emotions.
  • We know there is a spectrum of emotions and mental health, and that this can change at different times and situations.
  • We acknowledge that mental health and wellbeing is a shared experience: Sometimes we are the ones who need shelter and at other times we are the ones holding the umbrella.