Barn Owls
Mrs Zoe Reeve
Mrs Jessica Fairbairn
Meet the Teachers
Barn Owls are taught by Mrs Reeve and Mrs Fairbairn
My name is Mrs Reeve I teach The Barn Owls class. I have now been teaching for 16 years. I came to Chacombe for my NQT year after carrying out some supply work and was initially in year 1 and 2 before moving in to Foundation stage.
I have 4 children of my own who are now 21, 17, 13 and 6, a girl and 3 boys who keep me extremely busy while I'm not in school.
When I’m not working or running around after my own children I love art, reading and spending time in the garden.
My name is Mrs Fairbairn and I teach part time in The Barn Owls. I have been teaching Foundation Stage at Chacombe for 16 years after studying a PGCE at Oxford Brookes University.
I have a 13 year old son 2 daughters who are 10 and 2 years old and a 14 year old step son who keep me on my toes when I'm not at school!
In my spare time, I love reading, films, interior design and I can also play the piano.
Class information
- Autumn 1 - This is Me and The Autumn
- Autumn 2 - topic planning - Who are you
- Spring 1 topic web - Where are they - Winter and London
- Spring 2 - topic web - Spring and The UK
- Summer 1 Topic Planning Overview - Around The World
- Summer 2 - topic planning - Looking Beyond
- The children will usually have PE on Tuesdays and Fridays.
- The timetable can change from week to week so please ensure PE kits are in school all week.
- PE will be outdoors weather permitting so please ensure children have appropriate warm PE kit and trainers.
- Phonics is taught following the 'Jolly Phonics' scheme daily in short sessions, following the Jolly Phonics scheme
- We learn phonics as pure sounds ssss not s-uh - If you are unsure how each sounds should be pronounced you can check here Jolly Phonics sounds
- As soon as we have learnt the first 4 sounds s,a,t,p we begin practicing blending sounds for reading and segmenting them for writing, starting with simple 2 and 3 sound words.
- Children will bring home sounds to practice and then move on to books which support their blending.
- There are many other ideas and games available online to support your child with this at home.
- The children will be given a school reading book chosen to support their phonics development. The more often they read these books, the quicker their reading will improve, so please share them as often as possible. We ask for 5 reads at home each week. This will earn them stickers for their Reading chart in school.
- The children may also been take one book of their own choice from our classroom book shelf which they can look at home and swap any time in school.
- In school we aim to hear your child read individually at least once each week and will hear them more often if time permits.
- Children also take part in whole class guided reading sessions once each week. In these sessions we discuss stories together and work on developing our reading and comprehension skills.
- We always really appreciate it if any parents can come into school to hear readers. So if you have any time to spare and would like to come and hear the children read please let us know.
- Reading from their school reading book at least 5 times a week
- Optional phonics sheets as we learn each new sound to support and reinforce the children’s learning.
- Observations and assessments are made using our online learning journal which you can access using your login. Please inform us if you do not have this information or are having any difficulties accessing your child’s observations.
- We may also use this from time to time to keep you up to date with things going on in school.
- Seesaw can also be used at home to upload images and observations of the things your child gets up to when they are not in school. This helps us to build up a full picture of your child’s progress.